
MS Teams

Supercharge your business productivity and master Microsoft Teams with Microsoft experts

(213 ratings) 987 students

What you will learn

How to create your first team and manage members and channels
How to post and receive public and private messages
How to do user announcements, tags, and message extensions
How to do user announcements, tags, and message extensions
How to use the audio and video calling options
How to get the most of of conference calling in Teams, including recording calls
How to use the meeting notes function
How to adjust admin and user settings
How to use Teams on your mobile device

Who should take this training


  • Access to Microsoft Teams

Target audience

  • People looking to use Microsoft Teams for the first time People already using MS Teams that want to get the most out of it

About this training

There is so much more to Microsoft Teams than you might think. Use it the right way and watch productivity across your business soar! In this Microsoft Teams online course, we assume you are brand-new to Teams and start at the very beginning.



Course Language : EN
On-demand video
Full lifetime access to videos
Downloadable resources
Certificate of Completion

Training options

Only Videos

$ 30

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Hours of Individual Coaching


$ 290

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 10 Hours of Individual Coaching
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$ 520 $ 495

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 20 Hours of Individual Coaching
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$ 810 $ 648

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 30 Hours of Individual Coaching

Course Content

1. Introduction to Teams
1. What is Microsoft Teams and Why is it Useful? 05:08 mins
2. What to Expect From this Course 06:35 mins
3. How to Access/Download Teams 05:16 mins
4. Overview of the Teams Dashboard 11:32 mins
5. Getting Help with Microsoft Teams 04:54 mins
2. Creating Teams and Starting Conversations
1. Create a Team and Add Internal and External Team Members 14:06 mins
2. Join an Existing Team 04:29 mins
3. Manage Teams and Members 10:47 mins
4. Create and Manage Channels 09:05 mins
5. Post and Receive Messages 03:49 mins
6. Target Messages Using @ Mentions 04:22 mins
7. Editing and Deleting Messages 03:31 mins
8. Bookmark and Like Messages 04:49 mins
9. Add images, Emojis and GIFs to Messages 05:26 mins
10. Formatting Messages 07:20 mins
11. Make an Announcement 04:01 mins
12. Using Tags 04:22 mins
13. Attaching Files and Images 08:29 mins
14. Send a Private Message 06:08 mins
15. Add Messaging Extensions 07:34 mins
3. Video and Audio Meetings
1. Video and Audio Calls on Demand 10:17 mins
2. Sharing Files 07:52 mins
3. Schedule a Meeting 06:16 mins
4. Schedule a Live Event 04:15 mins
5. Record a Video Meeting or Call 06:02 mins
6. Notes 05:01 mins
4. Additional Features
1. Use the Wiki Tab to Share Information 07:27 mins
2. Using Apps, Bots and Connectors 10:26 mins
3. Customizing Channel Tabs 04:33 mins
5. Searching
1. Use Search to Find Specific Messages, Files or People 03:09 mins
2. Using Quick Commands 03:57 mins
6. Settings
1. Adjusting User Settings 08:27 mins
2. Explore the Administration Settings 05:37 mins
7. Mobile App
1. Working with the Teams Mobile App 05:16 mins
8. Conclusion
Course Close 00:35 mins

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