
Managing and Leading Change Real World Strategies & Tools

A Practical Introduction to Change Management for Managers and Project Managers

(123 ratings) 454 students

What you will learn

Convince people about the need for change
Evaluate how people feel about the changes
Paint a compelling picture of the future
Anticipate how people will respond to change
Anticipate the impact of change on operational performance
Plan effective project communications
Handle resistance to change effectively, to win over resisters

Who should take this training


  • You should have some experience of organizational life
  • Experience in management and leadership - at a supervisory level or higher - will be a great help
  • Experience of project working will be a great help

Target audience

  • Supervisors, Managers and leaders at all levels, who need to lead change in their organization Team members who are experiencing change and want to understand what's going on.

About this training

Change is an inevitable part of organizational life

And if you have any leadership role, you'll soon be called upon to help lead it.

But, we often fear change. This leads to resistance.

So, managing and leading change is a challenging role. It will take you outside of your comfort zone and beyond your existing management and supervision tool-set.

But change is predictable

You can anticipate how people will respond, and what you need to do to engage them positively. You can plan, prepare, and handle the resistance that will certainly come.

To do that, you need practical tools and models.

And this course will give you them.

More than that, you'll learn:

how the need for change arises,

how to communicate it, and

the way to lead people through it.



Course Language : EN
On-demand video
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Certificate of Completion

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$ 30

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  • Certificate of Completion
  • Hours of Individual Coaching


$ 450

  • Full lifetime access to videos
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  • Certificate of Completion
  • 10 Hours of Individual Coaching
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$ 840 $ 783

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  • Certificate of Completion
  • 20 Hours of Individual Coaching
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$ 1290 $ 1032

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 30 Hours of Individual Coaching

Course Content

Introduction: Change at Work
Welcome 03:15 mins
The Cycle of Change 04:19 mins
The Sources of and Barriers to Change 05:09 mins
Step 1: Demonstrate the Need for Change
First Layer of Resistance to Change 02:07 mins
Demonstrating the Need for Change: Applying Leverage 04:42 mins
What if they Still don't Accept the Need for Change? 04:42 mins
Tools for Change Leaders: The Mad - Sad - Glad Exercise 04:26 mins
Tools for Change Leaders: Perceptual Positions 05:46 mins
Step 2: Create a Compelling Future
Fear and Desire as Motivators for Change 01:44 mins
A Compelling Vision of the Future 04:30 mins
Stakeholder Engagement 05:10 mins
Tools for Change Leaders: Stakeholder Triage 06:14 mins
Tools for Change Leaders: Stakeholder Analysis 02:50 mins
Step 3: Expect an Argument
Response to Change - An Introduction 03:00 mins
The Change Curve 04:46 mins
The Impact of Change on Operational Performance 04:17 mins
Three Phases of a Change Program 04:58 mins
How to Communicate Well 05:06 mins
Tools for Change Leaders: Communications Plan 04:01 mins
Tools for Change Leaders: Progression Plan 03:57 mins
Handling Resistance
Resistance to Change 04:59 mins
The Inner Layers of the Onion 07:24 mins
Engage with the Resistance 05:15 mins
Win over Your Resisters (Part 1) 03:57 mins
Win over Your Resisters (Part 2) 03:58 mins
Steps 4, 5 & 6: Leading the Change
It's a Project 02:46 mins
99 per cent Perspiration 03:20 mins

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