
Python Programming From A-Z

Become a professional Python programmer and learn how to easily create programs, apps, scripts, games and so much more!

(339 ratings) 1337 students

What you will learn

How to become a professional Python Developer
How to land your first job as a Python Developer
How to use the basic Python structures: strings, lists, and dictionaries
How to write Python scripts to perform automated actions
How to use Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
How to create your own Python programs from scratch
How to use core programming tools such as functions and loops
How to use variables to store, retrieve and calculate information

Who should take this training


  • Access to a computer with an internet connection.

Target audience

  • Students who want to learn Python Programming from A-Z

About this training

Where you’re going to learn how to become a professional Python Developer and create programs, apps, scripts, games and so much more...

Blending practical work with solid theoretical training, we take you from the basics of Python Programming to mastery, giving you the training you need not just to create software programs, scrape websites, and build automations, but also the foundational understanding of data science and visualization so you can become a well-rounded Python Programmer.

Even if you already have some coding experience, or want to learn about the advanced features of Python, this course is for you! In this course, you’ll learn Python 3.

Together we’re going to give you the foundational education that you need to know not just on how to write code in Python, create various scripts and softwares but also how to get paid for your newly developed programming skills.

Course Language : EN
On-demand video
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Downloadable resources
Certificate of Completion

Training options

Only Videos

$ 30

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Hours of Individual Coaching


$ 350

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 10 Hours of Individual Coaching
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$ 640 $ 603

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 20 Hours of Individual Coaching
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$ 990 $ 792

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 30 Hours of Individual Coaching

Course Content

Introduction to Python Programming from A-Z
Intro to Python Programming 05:21 mins
What is Python Programming 09:30 mins
Who is This Course For 04:33 mins
Python MarketPlace 05:47 mins
Python Job Opportunities 04:43 mins
How To Land a Python Job Without a Degree 08:20 mins
Python Programmer Job Roles 08:41 mins
Python from A-Z Course Structure 04:19 mins
Getting Familiar with Python
Getting Familiar with Python Section Overview 05:56 mins
Installing Python on Windows 09:36 mins
Anaconda and Jupyter Notebooks Part 1 07:31 mins
Anaconda and Jupyter Notebooks Part 2 16:24 mins
Python Syntax 02:13 mins
Line Structure 02:44 mins
Line Structure Exercise 07:12 mins
Comments 05:01 mins
Joining Lines 05:00 mins
Multiple Statements on a Single Line 04:52 mins
Indentation 07:40 mins
Basic Data Types
Basic Data Types Section Overview 08:26 mins
Python Variables 08:10 mins
Integers and Floats 08:26 mins
String Overview 09:50 mins
String Manipulation 07:18 mins
String Indexing 04:28 mins
String Slicing 08:17 mins
Boolean 04:54 mins
Printing 09:48 mins
Mini Project 1 : Letter Counter 19:56 mins
Python Operators
Python Operators Section Overview 04:12 mins
Arithmetic Operators 08:17 mins
Assignment Operators 03:40 mins
Comparison Operators 09:20 mins
Logical Operators 12:37 mins
Identity Operators 04:41 mins
Membership Operators 02:02 mins
Bitwise Operators 07:50 mins
Advanced Data Types
Python Advanced Data Types Section Overview 10:37 mins
List Overview 04:39 mins
List Slicing and Indexing 04:26 mins
Tuples 02:20 mins
Sets 06:01 mins
Dictionaries 10:40 mins
When to use each one? 04:31 mins
Compound Data Types 02:44 mins
Control Flow Part 1
Control Flow Part 1 Section Overview 15:01 mins
Intro to Control Flow 00:57 mins
Basic Conditional Statements 13:39 mins
More Conditional Statements 05:04 mins
For Loops 09:51 mins
While Loops 11:47 mins
Control Flow Part 2
Control Flow Part 2 Section Overview 02:29 mins
Break Statements 08:00 mins
Continue Statements 04:52 mins
Zip Function 07:20 mins
Enumerate Function 03:58 mins
List Comprehension 04:28 mins
Python Functions
Python Functions Section Overview 02:50 mins
Intro to Functions 02:17 mins
Python help Function 03:12 mins
Defining Functions 09:29 mins
Variable Scope 08:13 mins
Doc Strings 03:44 mins
User Input and Error Handling
User Input and Error Handling Section Overview 01:49 mins
Introduction to error handling 02:48 mins
User Input 04:22 mins
Syntax Errors 04:00 mins
Handling Exceptions Part 1 08:29 mins
Handling Exceptions Part 2 08:18 mins
Exceptions 11:23 mins
Python Advanced Functions
Python Advanced Functions Section Overview 05:11 mins
Lambda Functions 05:29 mins
Functions args and kwargs 10:02 mins
Iterators 08:13 mins
Generators and Yield 11:53 mins
Map Function 14:24 mins
Filter Function 08:03 mins
Python Scripting and Libraries
Python Scripting and Libraries Section Overview 04:29 mins
What is a script? 01:24 mins
What is an IDE? 17:20 mins
What is a text editor? 11:46 mins
From Jupyter Notebook to VScode Part 1 14:45 mins
From Jupyter Notebook to VScode Part 2 05:03 mins
Importing Scripts 03:05 mins
Standard Libraries 04:13 mins
Third Party Libraries 05:35 mins
NumPy Section Overview 04:08 mins
Intro to NumPy 04:28 mins
Why use NumPy? 04:10 mins
NumPy Arrays 10:24 mins
Reshaping, Accessing, and Modifying 07:20 mins
Slicing and Copying 05:53 mins
Inserting, Appending, and Deleting 09:45 mins
Array Logical Indexing 03:44 mins
Broadcasting 08:20 mins
Reshaping, Accessing, and Modifying.py
Slicing and Copying
Inserting, Appending, and Deleting.py
Array Logical Indexing.py
Intro to Pandas 16:44 mins
Pandas Series 16:59 mins
Pandas Series Manipulation 16:32 mins
Pandas DataFrame 17:04 mins
Pandas DataFrame Manipulation 12:55 mins
Dealing with Missing Values 10:09 mins
Intro to OOP
Functional vs OOP 06:16 mins
OOP Key Definitions 04:04 mins
Create your First Class 12:09 mins
How to Create and Use Objects 06:04 mins
How to Modify Attributes 12:29 mins
Advanced OOP
Python Decorators 27:09 mins
Property Decorator 08:44 mins
Class Method Decorator 07:11 mins
Static Methods 10:29 mins
Inheritance from A to Z 20:36 mins
Starting a Career in Python
Python Career Section Overview 05:56 mins
Getting Started with Freelancing 09:26 mins
Building A Brand 11:57 mins
Personal Branding 13:09 mins
Importance of Having Website/Blog 04:22 mins
Do's and Don'ts of Networking 05:31 mins
Top Freelance Websites 08:05 mins
Creating A Python Developer Resume 06:01 mins

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