
Intro to Python

Learn Python for beginners - no prior Python programming knowledge needed. Includes your first Python project

(72 ratings) 233 students

What you will learn

Put their skills into practice with a real Python project
What is Python and why was it created.
How Python fits into the diverse ecosystem of programming languages.
The basic data types in Python - Strings, Integers, Floats, and Boolean
All about Pythons built-in functions
How to debug errors in Python
How Variables and Functions work in Python
How to use IF-Else Statements in Python
All about storing complex data, including Lists and Dictionaries
How to install Python locally
How to write your first script in Python

Who should take this training


  • No prior knowledge required

Target audience

  • People looking to learn the Python Programming Language

About this training

**Includes exercises and a Python Project!**

If you need to get a better tool for handling data, it’s time you got to know Python, and this Python for Beginners course is the perfect place to start.

Python is one of the most popular languages for data analysis and business intelligence. In this introductory course, we assume no prior knowledge and guide you through getting set up and started.

With practice exercises and a full end of course project to complete, you’ll quickly get to grips with this powerful programming language.



Course Language : EN
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  • Certificate of Completion
  • Hours of Individual Coaching


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  • 10 Hours of Individual Coaching
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  • 20 Hours of Individual Coaching
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$ 810 $ 648

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 30 Hours of Individual Coaching

Course Content

1. The Workplace Tech Divide
1. Which Side of the Divide Are You On? 01:17 mins
2. Beginners Are Welcome 01:11 mins
3. Course Overview 01:02 mins
2. Introduction to Python
1. What is Python? 02:10 mins
2. Python's Comparison to Other Programming Languages 03:59 mins
3. Examples of Python in the Workplace 01:11 mins
4. The Easiest Place to Practice Python 01:38 mins
5. Create an Account Online 01:36 mins
3. Basic Data Types
1. Python Data Types 01:36 mins
2. Strings 06:27 mins
3. Integers 03:58 mins
4. Floats 02:54 mins
5. Boolean 04:13 mins
6. Data Types Exercise 08:25 mins
4. Python Built-In Functions
1. What is a Built-In Function? 01:08 mins
2. Where to Look For Built-In Functions 02:12 mins
3. Most Common Built In Functions 04:15 mins
4. Built In Functions Exercise 03:05 mins
5. Variables and Functions
1. Variables and Functions 04:13 mins
2. Storing Values as Variables 05:03 mins
3. Comparing Variables with Operators 06:36 mins
4. Basic Expressions 05:30 mins
5. Functions 08:45 mins
6. Commenting 02:51 mins
7. Variables and Functions Exercise 06:42 mins
6. Errors and Debugging
1. What is an Error? 01:40 mins
2. Reading a Stack Trace 05:01 mins
3. print() 02:16 mins
4. Try and Except 04:17 mins
5. You Are Not Alone 02:55 mins
6. Errors Exercise 04:29 mins
7. Python Keywords
1. Python Keywords 02:23 mins
2. Common keywords 05:28 mins
3. Global 03:39 mins
4. Keywords Exercise 03:06 mins
8. If-Else Statements
1. Basic Logic 01:46 mins
2. Syntax and Inline Evaluation 04:16 mins
3. Value Evaluation 03:38 mins
4. Complex If-Else Statements 06:44 mins
5. If-Else Exercises 05:34 mins
9. Storing Complex Data
1. Advanced Data Types 02:03 mins
2. Lists 12:02 mins
3. Dictionaries 08:12 mins
4. Looping: Lists 11:20 mins
5. Looping: Dictionaries 04:29 mins
6. Advanced Data Exercise 05:52 mins
10. Python Modules
1. Python Modules 05:30 mins
2. Python Built In Modules 05:29 mins
3. Importing Modules 04:35 mins
11. Installing Python and Modules
1. Python Environments 02:01 mins
2. Install on Mac 04:47 mins
3. Install on Windows 03:01 mins
4. IDEs 06:19 mins
5. Python Idle 12:36 mins
6. Managing files and folders 10:52 mins
7. Executing Scripts 10:29 mins
8. PIP 04:04 mins
12. Project: Automate Data Updates For a Spreadsheet
1. Project Introduction 02:13 mins
2. Setting Up Project 09:39 mins
3. Reading and Writing to Excel Files 14:37 mins
4. Working with CSV Files 11:42 mins
5. Dynamic File Paths 07:04 mins
6. Transform and Validate Transactions 14:01 mins
7. Transfer and Save Transactions 13:14 mins
8. Clean Up the Code 11:52 mins
9. Hardening the Script 07:35 mins
13. Course Close
Course clsoe 00:40 mins

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