

In this course, we introduce you to this powerful, market-leading tool and get you started building your very own visualisations.

(98 ratings) 371 students

What you will learn

What Tableau is and the product suite
What business intelligence is
The Tableau interface and its major functions
Which data structures are suitable for Tableau
How Tableau reads and categorizes data
Different data concepts and theory
How to connect and manage data sources
How to navigate the Tableau workspace
How to build a view and different chart types
How to create a dashboard
How to publish and share a workbook
How to use calculated fields in Tableau
How to use numeric, string, conditional, and analytical expressions/functions in Tableau

Who should take this training


  • No prior knowledge is needed!

Target audience

  • ANYONE (Students, Professionals, Executives) looking to learn Tableau People looking to give their career a push, or just learn a new skill

About this training

Tableau is one of the best data analytics and business intelligence tools available. In this course, we introduce you to this powerful, market-leading tool and get you started building your very own visualisations.

Move at your own pace as you learn how to navigate Tableau, connect to data sources, and make use of the drag-and-drop interface to create interactive charts and dashboards. We’ll cover everything from understanding business intelligence and basic data concepts to applying your own calculations, expressions, and functions in Tableau.

Please note that only Tableau Desktop is featured in this course.

Course Language : EN
On-demand video
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Certificate of Completion

Training options

Only Videos

$ 30

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Hours of Individual Coaching


$ 630

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 10 Hours of Individual Coaching
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$ 1200 $ 1107

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 20 Hours of Individual Coaching
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$ 1830 $ 1464

  • Full lifetime access to videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 30 Hours of Individual Coaching

Course Content

1. Introduction to Tableau
1. Course Introduction 02:11 mins
2. Tableau Introduction 02:14 mins
3. Tableau Product Suite Introduction 05:59 mins
4. Business Intelligence introduction 03:01 mins
5. Exploring Tableau 14:17 mins
6. Tableau Data Concepts 10:43 mins
7. Connecting to Data Sources 07:27 mins
8. Data Sources in Tableau 15:13 mins
9. Tableau Workspace 15:17 mins
10. Creating a New View 16:39 mins
11. Using Multiple Data Sources 16:09 mins
Exercise 1 02:41 mins
2. Bringing Data to Life
1. Selecting a Chart Type - Part 1 09:53 mins
2. Selecting a Chart Type - Part 2 14:59 mins
3. Building a View - Part 1 15:51 mins
4. Building a View - Part 2 16:30 mins
5. Designing Callout Numbers and Tables 10:59 mins
6. Histograms and Whisker Plots 14:32 mins
7. Scatter Plot and Correlation Matrix 15:33 mins
8. Spatial Charts 15:00 mins
9. Creating a Dashboard 14:59 mins
10. Presenting a Story 14:59 mins
11. Publishing & Sharing a Workbook 10:29 mins
Exercise 2 06:39 mins
Exercise 3 09:54 mins
3. Calculations and Expressions in Tableau
1. Using Expressions in Tableau 14:23 mins
2. Numeric Expressions & Automatic Calculations 15:34 mins
3. String Expressions 17:11 mins
4. Conditional Expressions 16:30 mins
5. Analytical Functions 16:30 mins
Exercise 4 08:55 mins
Exercise 5 10:05 mins
4. Conclusion
Course Conclusion 00:22 mins

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